Friday, September 28, 2012

Walnut stuffed Dates with Coconut | © 2011 |

 | © 2011 |

A quick and easy recipe for dates stuffed with a mixture of toasted walnuts and sesame seeds flavoured with cinnamon, orange zest and rose water. For the coating, I have used coconut flakes and pumpkin seeds, but any other nuts or seeds would work just fine here. They are great as a light dessert, a snack, or just anytime you feel like a nibble.

  • 70 g Walnuts, toasted
  • 30 g Sesame seeds, toasted
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder
  • 20 g Brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Orange zest
  • 1-2 tsp Rose water
  • 10 g Coconut oil, melted
  • 30 Lightly dried dates, pitted
  • 30 g Coconut flakes
  • 40 g Pumpkin seeds, finely chopped

  1. Toast walnuts, and sesame seeds in a dry skillet until fragrant, about 5 minutes, and then remove them from the heat and set aside to cool.
  2. Place walnuts, sesame, cinnamon, sugar and orange zest in a coffee grinder. Process until you have a thick paste. Turn the paste into a bowl and stir in rose water.
  3. Fill each date with about a teaspoon of nut mixture. Brush with melted coconut oil and coat with coconut flakes or chopped pumpkin seeds. | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Spiced Rye Bread with Sesame | © 2011 |

 | © 2011 |

A dense, moist rye bread lightened with whole-wheat flour, spiced with cumin and coriander. Cumin seeds are purported to contain enzymes that aid in digestion and are said to be effective in combating acid reflux. Coriander seeds are known to have anti-oxidant vitamin and rich in dietary fiber. So, the addition of spices adds not only flavour to the bread, but also nutritional potency.

Spiced Rye Bread with Sesame

adapted from Brot backen köstliche Rezepte aus der guten alten Zeit

  • 400 g Light rye flour
  • 140 g Wholewheat flour
  • 150 g Rye kernels
  • 7 g Dried yeast
  • 450 ml Water, lukewarm
  • 150 g Sourdough rye starter
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Coriander powder
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds
  • 40 g Sesame seeds

  1. Mix together light rye flour, wholewheat flour, rye kernels and dried yeast in a mixing bowl. Add in water, sourdough starter, salt, sugar, coriander powder and cumin.
  2. Knead with a a hand mixer fitted with dough hook attachments until the dough is smooth and pliable. Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and shape into a ball. Dust the surface with a little flour and cover with a kitchen towel. Set aside in a warm place for an hour.
  3. Place a 26-cm springform ring on a floured baking tray. Knead the dough thoroughly on a floured work surface. Shape the dough into a ball and place into the ring. Cover the dough and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F. Cut some decorative slashes on the top of bread. Brush the top with water and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake the bread in the middle of the hot oven for about an hour until nicely golden brown and crusty. | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tumpeng Nasi Kuning

Tumpeng kuning ini untuk syukuran Ulang tahun orang tercinta. Saya memilih Tumpeng kuning karena maknanya menggambarkan kekayaan nilai moral yang tinggi untuk ungkapan rasa syukur dan  kegembiraan.

Untuk saya pribadi makna dari sebuah Tumpeng Tradisional Indonesia adalah hasil karya yang memerlukan perencanaan belanja bahan yang lengkap dengan segala garnish sebagai hiasannya, kerja yang memerlukan kesabaran dalam waktu yang cukup panjang dari berbagai lauk yang harus dimasak, pengetahuan cara memasak sayuran agar terlihat segar, serta cara penataan dan menghias Tumpeng untuk menghasilkan tampilan tumpeng yang menggoda selera.
Terakhir namun penting untuk diketahui juga adalah waktu penyajian tumpeng yang mendekati dengan saat acara makan berlangsung, akan lebih menambah kelezatan tumpeng yang masih hangat dan segar.

Singkatnya, Tumpeng merupakan representasi dari lengkapnya pengetahuan dasar memasak seseorang untuk disebut menguasai masakan Indonesia. Betapa hebatnya Nenek moyang kita sudah meninggalkan warisan pengetahuan Management yang lengkap dengan cara praktis dan nyata untuk sebuah Tumpeng ini. Mulai dari Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controling dan Representing lengkap deh.

Tantangan terbesar saya yang tidak berada di Indonesia adalah mencari peralatan kelengkapan untuk menyajikan tumpeng, misalnya tampah, cetakan kerucut tumpeng dan kelengkapan bumbu untuk masakan tumpeng.
Cetakan Kerucut tumpeng serta alas daun pisang sintetis (terbuat dari terpal plastik), merupakan peralatan wajib saat saya harus pindah dari tanah air menuju pos dimana suami saya bertugas.
Tampah untuk alas tumpeng saya ganti dengan alas pot bunga besar yang kebetulan bisa saya beli di toko perlengkapan tanaman. Dengan membungkusnya dengan alumunium foil, maka tampilan alas pot bunga pantas disajikan diatas meja.
Ikan teri asin yang tidak dijual di Noumea mengharuskan saya membuat sendiri teri asin dari ikan teri basah yang dijual frozen di supermarket.

Sudah menjadi tradisi setiap syukuran spesial saya selalu membuat tumpeng. Umumnya lauk untuk Tumpeng ada 7 macam, yang juga bermakna pada keistimewaan angka 7 baik secara adat maupun keyakinan dalam beragama.
Lauk Tumpeng ini : Perkedel, Telur Dadar, Daging Empal, Udang goreng, Ayam goreng, Teri kacang,   dan Rempeyek. Setiap lauk ini memiliki philosopy atau makna tersendiri (silakan googling di internet ya untuk maknanya masing-masing)
Sayurannya berupa : Urap sayuran dengan serundeng kelapa. Sebagai garnish sayuran : ketimun, tomat, daun bawang, saledri, radish, dan daun piterseli.

Kali ini saya tidak begitu sibuk karena dibantu asisten. Saya membuat garnish, carving / ukiran radish dan wortel sebagai hiasannya. (Klik disini untuk melihat cara mengukir sayurannya.)
Tumpeng ukuran sedang ini menggunakan 2 kg beras dan 0,5 kg beras ketan. Untuk sekitar 30 porsi.
(Klik disini untuk resep tumpengnya.)
Resep Ayam Goreng klik disini
Resep Empal Gepuk klik disini
Resep Rempeyek klik disini
Resep Urap sayuran klik disini
Resep Perkedel Kentang klik disini
Untuk resep telur dadar dan udang goreng yang simple pembuatannya saya tidak melampirkan disini karena saya yakin teman-teman sudah biasa memasaknya didapur.
Tumpeng Nasi Kuning Ulang Tahun 
Saat pemotongan Nasi Tumpeng Kuning

Kebetulan bersamaan waktunya dengan Perayaan Ulang Tahun Group FB Food Blogger Indonesia yang pertama, maka saya ikut meramaikan acara Challenge #6 ini dengan tema : Indonesian Festive Rice (IDFB Challenge #6). Semoga Food Blogger Indonesia makin berjaya.

Logo Indonesian Food Blogger IDFB Challenge #6 

Puding Coklat

Puding Coklat lembut membelai lidah dengan whipping cream dan Strowberry
Puding coklat ala Resto Hoka-hoka Bento ini enak dan nyoklat banged. Puding ini saya buat sebagai ganti cake ulang tahun, karena yang berulang tahun gak doyan cake.

Bahan :
2 Bungkus agar-agar
200 gr gula pasir
2 bungkus kopi expresso (cairkan dengan sedikit air panas)
1750 ml susu coklat cair
180 gr dark coklat (potong kecil-kecil)
3 sendok makan coklat bubuk
Sedikit garam

Cara membuatnya :
Campurkan susu coklat cair, coklat bubuk, gula pasir, garam, kopi dan agar-agar, didihkan. Masukan potongan dark coklat, aduk sampai coklat larut. Angkat.
Masukan kedalam loyang/cetakan coklat. dinginkan.

Bahan Vla :
1 liter susu coklat cair
1 bungkus kopi expresso
2 sendok makan custard powder
5 sendok makan gula pasir

Cara membuat Vla :
Campur semua bahan Vla, didihkan sampai mengental. Angkat dari api, aduk terus sampai Vla agak dingin. Simpan dalam kulkas.

Hias dengan whipping cream dan strawberry


Puding coklat lembut dan nyoklat banged
Puding Ulang Tahun siap di tiup lilinnya

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cream of Chicken Soup | © 2011 |

Nothing beats the comforting and soothing feeling that a bowl of creamy coconut chicken soup can bring. Cozy up and enjoy this Thai-inspired chicken soup with homemade bread.

  • 2 tbsp Coconut oil
  • 2 Shallots, finely chopped
  • 1 Leek, white part only
  • 250 g Skinless chicken breast, chopped
  • 300 ml Chicken stock
  • 1/2 tbsp Fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/2 tbsp Fresh thyme, chopped
  • 100 ml Coconut milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Melt the coconut oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the shallots and cook, stirring, for a couple of minutes, until slightly softened.
  2. Add in leek and cook for another 3 minutes, stirring. Add in chopped chicken, stock, and herbs. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until the chicken is tender and cooked through.
  3. Remove from the heat and process with an immersion hand blender until smooth. Season the soup with salt and pepper and warm over low heat for 5 minutes. Stir in the coconut milk and cook for another 2 minutes, then remove from the heat and ladle into serving bowls. Garnish with sprig of thyme and serve immediately. | © 2011 |

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Garlic Chive Pull Apart Bread Muffins | © 2011 |

 | © 2011 |

The pull apart bread has been popping up all over the place, and as a bread lover, I can’t wait to try it with a homemade fresh herb spread. For the herbs, I used a mix of Chinese garlic chives and basil, but use any combination that suits you. Alternatively, you can use a ready-made pesto sauce. I have chosen to leave out cheese as husband is not a fan of it. Besides pesto, nutella or peanut butter would be great alternatives for the filling too.

PoolishDoughHerb Spread

  • 200 g Water
  • 200 g Bread flour
  • 0.2 g Fresh yeast

  • All of the starter
  • 110 g Water
  • 10 g Sugar
  • 8 g Sea salt
  • 300 g Bread flour
  • 10 g Fresh yeast

  • 25 g Fresh garlic chives
  • 10 g Fresh basil
  • 2 clove Garlic
  • 50 ml Olive oil
  • 3 g Sea salt

  1. Combine all ingredients of starter together in a mixing bowl. Cover with a plastic film and set aside at room temperature for 16 hours.
  2. Add in the rest of dough ingredients and mix on lowest speed for 3 minutes, then increase the speed, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.
    Cover the dough and allow it to rest for 30 minutes. Turn it out on a lightly floured work surface and gently knead for a few times. Return to the mixing bowl and proof, covered, for a further 30 minutes.
  3. Place all the ingredients of herb spread in a blender and process until combined.
  4. Divide the dough into 4 even portions. Roll each out into a 28x19-cm rectangle. Spread 2-3 tablespoons of herb paste on one rectangle, cover it with second rectangle, spread with 2-3 tablespoons of herb paste, top with third rectangle, then spread with herb paste, and top with the final rectangle. You might not need to use up all the spread. Cut into 18 pieces, each about 6x5.5-cm. Besides herb spread, you can also try the peanut butter filling.
  5. Place each stack into a muffin cup greased lightly with oil. Cover and proof for an hour or until about doubled in volume. Preheat the oven to 220C/430F. Bake for 20 minutes until nicely golden and crisp. | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pumpkin Spelt Muffins with Peanuts and Ginger | © 2011 |

These spekulatius-spiced pumpkin muffins are moist and fresh in an airtight container for a few days, and freeze fairly well. They are the perfect treat for an autumn afternoon. If you don’t have spekulatius spice, use pumpkin pie spice or just cinnamon instead.

  • 100 g Whole grain spelt, ground
  • 120 g Refined spelt flour
  • 120 g Raw sugar
  • 1 tsp Baking soda
  • 1/3 tsp Salt
  • 220 g Roasted pumpkin puree
  • 2 tsp Spekulatius spice
  • 85 ml Coconut oil, melted
  • 60 ml Coconut milk
  • 50 g Candied ginger, chopped
  • 150 g Salted peanuts
  • Caramel, optional

  1. Preheat the oven 190C/375F. Line 12-14 muffin cups with paper liners. Sift ground whole grain spelt flour, refined spelt flour, sugar, baking soda and salt together in a mixing bowl.
  2. In another bowl, whisk together the roasted pumpkin puree, spekulatius spices, coconut oil, and coconut milk until well combined.
  3. Add the flour mixture into the pumpkin mixture and mix until just incorporated. Do not overmix or muffins will be tough. Fold in chopped candied ginger and 100 grams of salted peanuts.
  4. Divide the batter into prepared muffin cups. Sprinkle the tops with some peanuts. Bake on the upper oven rack for 25 to 30 minutes until nicely golden brown. Drizzle with caramel sauce if desired, and serve warm. | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stuffed Roasted Figs with Goat Cheese and Pistachios | © 2011 |

A stylish seasonal dish made from fresh ripe figs, creamy mild Chavroux, and crunchy pistachios, served with a green pepper grape syrup. You can serve this as an appetizer, a snack or even as a light dessert.

Stuffed Roasted Figs with Goat Cheese and Pistachios

adapted from Küchengötter

  • 250 ml Grape juice
  • 5 tsp Honey
  • 1/2 tsp Green peppercorns
  • Fresh thyme
  • 30 g Pistachio nuts
  • 100 g Fresh goat cheese
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 Fresh figs

  1. Place grape juice and 3 teaspoons of honey in a saucepan. Cook the mixture on high heat until it becomes syrupy, about 15 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 220C/430F. Crush the green peppercorns with a mortar and pestle and add to the grape syrup. Finely chop the pistachios.
  3. In a bowl, stir together fresh goat cheese, 2 teaspoons of honey, thyme leaves, and freshly ground black pepper.
  4. Slice each fig in half lengthwise. Make a depression in the middle with the back of a teaspoon. Fill the depression with goat cheese filling. Place them in a baking dish. Switch the oven function to grill and roast the filled fig halves for 6-8 minutes until the goat cheese is lightly browned. Serve with the grape syrup. | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |